Say Hello to our brand shiny NEW website!

It was finally time to bring #TeamDBMT into the 21st century. So, many hours (and way too many coffees) later, our shiny new website has landed - and I couldn’t be happier with it!

I hope you like it, and can find what you need when you browse the site. This blog will be a way for me to keep you all up to date with what’s going on at #TeamDBMT, and will be updated with information about important things like concerts, exams and, of course, the daily ridiculousness of my dogs…

Please do let me know if you have any ideas for blog entries. I want you guys to be as much a part of this website as I am!

A million thank-yous to Rob Marr for his very patient and very amazing help with setting things up. I think I owe you coffee forever, RM.

Debs :)


Did you miss me?!